Friday, September 5, 2008


*If you are surfing the net and you enter a website that makes you feel uncomfortable or scared tell someone RIGHT AWAY.

*Protect yourself. NEVER send personal information about yourself into cyberspace unless you talk to your parents FIRST.

*Keep your private information private—your telephone number and address should NOT be sent out into cyberspace.

*Before sending ANYONE your picture or ANY information about yourself, make sure to check with your parents FIRST!

*Don’t keep secrets. Keep your parents in the loop about what you are doing and where you are going on the internet. They can help you to stay safe!

*If you get a mean or nasty message or a message that makes you feel uncomfortable, TELL SOMEONE YOU TRUST. It is NEVER YOUR FAULT if you get a message that makes you feel uncomfortable.

*Never give out your password to someone other than your parents. NOT EVEN YOUR BEST FRIEND. Your password is yours. Protect your password and protect yourself!

*Protect your computer. Before downloading ANY software, check with your parents FIRST.

*Set up a meeting with your parents or caregivers to talk about internet safety. It’s always good to talk about ways to keep safe. Maybe you could even teach your parents a thing or two about internet safety!

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